Simone Weber
(la dame de
The Lady of Nancy is judged
for the poisoning of her husband
and the murder and
dismemberment of her ex-lover.
Empoissonnement de son mari
Marcel Fixard et l'assassinat, puis
tronçonnage, de son ex-amant
Bernard Hettier.
Cour d'Assises du Meurthe- et- Moselle 1991
justice | TRIALS | JudgeMichel | PizzaConnection | DirectActionLyon | Fougeret | DirectActionParis | Knobelspiess | Maamar |
| Burgos | Fouad Ali Saleh | MalikOussekine | DidierCamels | PierreChanal | PatrickThomas | VictorEmmanuel de Savoie |
SimoneWeber | Mathurin
| deCanson | Schwammberger | MaxFrerot | Contaminated blood | petiteCeline | PhilippeBidart |
| Villemin | Furiani | Caisse epargne | Altieri | ClinicWar | ConsBoutBoul | ChapourBakhtiar | Omar | Touvier | Soccer |
| VanCoppernolle | Roseau | Holdup of the century | Carlos | C.Megret | DanyLeprince | FrancisHeaulme | DrTurquin |
| Papon | IbrahimAli | Einhorn | LicioGelli | PatrickTissier | Pirates | HellsAngels | Herve,Dufoix,Fabius | Hooligans |
| Avalanche | Lockerbie | JeanClaude Romand | Jean Bousquet | GENS DE JUSTICE | FRONT PAGE | Elf case |
Guillaume Seznec
| Pic de Bure | Pere Augustin | Holger Pfahls